Hello World! 50 Years and Counting: Mr. Jonathan Edwards



Hello World!

Jonathan Edwards performed at the Tupelo Music Hall earlier this month. He is grateful for his long musical career- 50 years and counting!  Pianist Tom Snow and  Joe K. Walsh (on mandolin) accompanied him on stage.  I was so happy to hear them play My Love Will Keep!  Of course, they also played Sunshine.   After the show, Mr. Edwards took a few minutes to talk with me about what he has been listening to.  I was familiar with three out of the four artists he mentioned.

One musician is a family favorite, Dave Mallett! His sons have a band as well. So I have to include this link of the Mallett family performing together-  Hard Light   (connect those musical dots)!  I think it is safe to say many people know the music of James Taylor (love You Can Close Your Eyes ) and Alison Krauss (Ghost In This House just wow).  Ok, let me just tell you it is taking a lot of self-control not go off on three different musical tangents; but on to Kenny White. You probably have heard his work, even if you were unaware of the creator. Ever wonder who writes commercial jingles? That’s right Kenny White has a “few” under his musical belt.  Kenny White has also worked with numerous artists (including Jonathan Edwards).  Mr. White’s latest album is A Long List of Priors. Just found a new song to enjoy- Road Less Traveled. That’s what 603melody is all about!

I hope you found some new music here or rediscovered some old favorites. Thank you, Mr. Edwards, for your suggestions! For Jonathan Edwards products and info go to  jonathanedwards.net.

Thanks for checking in!

What are you listening to?


