Hello World! Everything is Better with Bacon!


Kevin Bacon 2018 Tupelo Music Hall


Hello World! Kevin Bacon, movie star, musician, and BLT connoisseur performed last night at the Tupelo Music Hall.  His band, with brother Michael, is aptly named The Bacon Brothers.  My apologies for the grainy photos. You know that one time you meet Kevin and Michael Bacon, and the pre-show photos are fuzzy. House photographer, Jerry LoFaro, was on hand later in the evening, and I am sure he got some stellar shots of the performance.  He always does! Kevin and Michael brought a full band, including a whistling tour manager. Michael also plays the cello, and the band performed a song complete with ukeleles as well. Yes, ukeleles, there were several!  Chef J served up two versions of BLTs ( Kevin’s creations) for the Tupelo crowd. It was a great night!  What’s better than music and bacon?

Check out Kevin’s sandwiches The BLAT & the BLAST.

More music to love!

Tom Petty T-Shirt by The Bacon Brothers 

Bunch of Words by The Bacon Brothers

For those of you old enough to remember the original Footloose movie (30 +years ago), here’s a little throwback-  Footloose Entrance on Jimmy Fallon

And on a more serious note, kindness counts! To see how you can make a difference go to  sixdegrees.org.


Thanks for checking in!

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